
Working papers

Joly, P. (2024). Extremist Beliefs, Violent Tactics, or Both? Radical Flanks Effects and the Mobilization Against COVID-19 Containment Measures. Available upon request.

Joly, P., Faas, T., & Schieferdecker, D. (2024). Cyclic Variation Bias: Misperceiving Trends During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Under review and available upon request.

Joly, P., Wagner, A., & Carstens, A. (2024). Worth the Risk? Mass Obstruction, Vigilantism, and Public Support for Climate Activists. Under review and available upon request. [Preregistration]

Journal articles

Joly, P., Schieferdecker, D., & Berger, N. (2024). Trust in Governmental Health Communication on Covid-19: Does Vulnerability Moderate the Effect of Partisanship? European Journal of Health Communication, 5(3), 19–32. [Supplementary material, data, and code]

Schieferdecker, D., Joly, P., & Faas, T. (2024). Affective Polarization Between Opinion-Based Groups in a Context of Low Partisan Discord: Measuring Its Prevalence and Consequences. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 36(2), edae009. [Open access version] [Supplementary material, data, code, and survey questions]

Joly, P. (2018). Generations and Protest in Eastern Germany: Between Revolution and Apathy. Comparative Sociology, 17(6), 704-737. [Code]

Thérien, J.-P., & Joly, P. (2014). “All Human Rights for All:” The United Nations and Human Rights in the Post-Cold War Era. Human Rights Quarterly 36(2), 373-396.

Book chapter

Schroeder, W., Weßels, B., & Joly, P. (2019). Die AfD als Provokateur: Metamorphosen einer Partei zwischen Parlament und Bewegung. In W. Schroeder & B. Weßels (Eds.), Smarte Spalter: Die AfD zwischen Bewegung und Parlament (pp. 221-256). Bonn: Dietz.


Joly, P. (2021). Protest in Postcommunist Democracies: The Legacies of Repression and Mobilization. Dissertation. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. [Code]

Other publications

Faas, T., Bibu, T., Joly, P., & Schieferdecker, D. (2022). Nutzung und Wahrnehmung der Informationslandschaft im zweiten Jahr der Pandemie: Ergebnisse der RAPID-COVID-Panelbefragung. Media Perspektiven, 1/2022, 39–48.

Joly, P., & Spittler, M. (2019). Jung und engagiert: Wie Millennials sich politisch beteiligen. WZB-Mitteilungen 165, 13-16.

Arcudi, A., Cumurovic, A., Gotter, C., Graeber, D., Joly, P., Ott, V., Schanze, J.-L., Thater, S., Weltin, M., & Yenikent, S. (2019). Doctoral Researchers in the Leibniz Association: Final Report of the 2017 Leibniz PhD Survey. Leibniz PhD Network.